Event date
- Leadership Development
- 1.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course is intended to give the participant an overview of the characteristics and skill sets for both managers and leaders. It is intended to help the participants reflect on their own career and how they view themselves and to reflect on where they are in their professional development. This course is intended to broaden the view of what both managers and leaders do and how they think.
- Leadership Development
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course teaches how public health leaders can use futures methods. The methods include tapping into the aspiring mind of people working in public health to project a vision and to look more objectively at trends and scenarios that help assess likely changes affecting the future of public health. These methods also include looking to alternative futures and then taking the perspective of looking back toward the present from the vantage point of future scenarios to identify goals and milestones.
- Leadership Development
- 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Learners participating in this web-based course will focus on leadership effectiveness particularly in terms of facilitating innovation and change within an organization and achieving an organizational context that is conducive to continuous improvement and a never-ending commitment to excellence. As effective leaders, we strive to create a shared vision of the future and then mobilize people, processes, and resources to achieve that vision.
- Leadership Development
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The course discusses the nature of qualitative decision making and explains how the complexity of decisions often overwhelms our cognitive capabilities. To deal with dynamic complexity, decision makers need to adopt a structured decision making process that aids in identifying alternative course of action and the major factors which are influencing the decision. The course provides and discusses a method for structuring each step in the decision making process and provides examples of the using the process.
- Leadership Development
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Current economic uncertainty continues to limit the public funds available to deal with critical public health issues. Challenges and problems, and the solutions to them, are increasingly becoming the responsibility of local and regional communities. And as community populations become increasingly more diverse in race, religion, and socio-economic status, new strategies and tools are needed to get people and organizations to agree on a plan and work together to achieve it.
- Leadership Development
- 5.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Public health is no longer just what governmental agencies do and it is no longer advisable to think public health professionals have done their jobs in providing silos of programs. For states and communities to be successful in creating conditions in which people can be healthy in a sustainable way, collaboration is essential. Collaboration, we think we do it...yet few actually do.
- Leadership Development
- 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The purpose of this course is to confront the student with some of “life’s persistent questions” within the context of the ethics of a disaster in order that the student may discover the answers from within himself and then be able to make appropriate decisions that will allow the student to go about “living outside herself.”
- Leadership Development
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This presentation will highlight the importance of a systematic approach in evaluating the effectiveness of public health programs, practices, and policies. The presentation will provide applied examples of key concepts and principles and emphasize practical approaches for developing and implementing these evaluation efforts. In this way participants will be able to more effectively plan public health evaluation strategies, better ensure continuous quality improvement of public health programs, practices, and policies, and demonstrate accountab
- Leadership Development
- 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Learners participating in this web-based course will examine how individuals can purposefully learn with, and from, others. Within a conception of mentoring as a continuum of supportive relationships ranging from role modeling, coaching, advising, supervising, and mentoring, participants will examine and differentiate these types of learning activities, and in particular, coaching and mentoring relationships.
- Leadership Development
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course provides an overview of the nature of and practices which constitute "resilient leadership." Resilient Leadership may be thought of as the attitudes and practices which may serve to create a "culture of resiliency" within a given organization. Such a culture promotes mutual support and success while viewing adversity as opportunity.