Event date
  • General Public Health
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The purpose of the course is to provide practical, hands on, experience in conflict management. The course will focus on how conflict management can be used in a variety of work settings. The course features an interactive discussion led by an expert in conflict management.
  • General Public Health
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course provides an overview of the principles of public health risk assessment and biological monitoring to assess exposure. The goal of this course is to increase the public health practitioner’s knowledge of hazardous substances in the environment and to aid in the evaluation of potentially exposed individuals and communities.
  • General Public Health
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Conflict management skills are used in all aspects of life.  From interpersonal to work situations, all of us need these skills in one way or another.  Some of the fundamentals of effective conflict management are intuitive, and some stretch our preferred methods of dealing with others.  This course discusses dealing with conflict from a variety of different types of individuals and includes practical applications using a healthcare case study to build fundamental skills in managing conflict in a healthcare setting.
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The purpose of this course is to distinguish the difference between a mentor and a coach and how to shape these relationships. A discussion of the utilization of learning contracts to help in this process is also discussed. Exercises are included to help the learner understand how to use a learning contract and how to choose a mentor or a coach.
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep breathing. Sit up straight. Let’s face it, working out is a chore for most people and in today’s busy world finding time to go to the gym or dedicating 30 minutes 5 days a week to exercise can be challenging. It’s a figure that’s starting to show given the increase in obesity rates all across the country.  In 2002, President George W. Bush signed an Executive Order to promote physical fitness throughout the country.  Why?
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Recently, an emphasis has been placed on the effects that various training and development initiatives have had on enhancing the capacity of the public health workforce and related organizational effectiveness. In turn, issues related to measuring and assessing the effects of these efforts have become much more salient. Issues surrounding who should serve as evaluators, what behaviors or outcomes should be included in the evaluation process and what impact the organization itself has on the outcomes are increasingly significant.
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Have you ever found yourself in a conflict, either professional or personal, with no idea how to get out of it without simply surrendering or fighting back? Just how is it that conflict seems to arise so often? With all the attention that "win-win" approaches get these days, is collaboration always the best way to resolve differences? Is there an element that is common to both collaborating with partners and resolving differences with them?
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Conflict is a normal part of our everyday life both at home and in the workplace. Mismanaged conflict has both direct and indirect costs as it decreases productivity, increases problems with morale and increases liability. Conflict management is a constructive way of approaching this natural phenomenon so that the result is a positive outcome.
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act became law in March but how many people really know how their health care coverage will be affected, and as a health care provider can you provide answers to questions patients might have?  Did you know the plan will greatly expand Medicaid, while cutting from the Medicare program? The law also requires all Americans and legal citizens to have health insurance and will penalize those who are not covered.
  • General Public Health
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:It’s been one year since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon and the consequent Gulf Oil Spill. The oil spill itself was an acute event but the long term follow up will be with public health professionals for many years to come. This course will discuss the post-oil spill issues related to public health. The discussion will include issues associated with recovery, various exposure pathways, response efforts in retrospect, and the public health response in the coming years.
