Mentoring and Coaching
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to distinguish the difference between a mentor and a coach and how to shape these relationships. A discussion of the utilization of learning contracts to help in this process is also discussed. Exercises are included to help the learner understand how to use a learning contract and how to choose a mentor or a coach.
Target Audience
Academic Faculty/Staff, Federal Government Employees, State Government Employees, Local Government Employees, Non-Government Employees and Students
Learning Objectives
- Distinguish between mentoring and coaching
- Develop strategies for picking a coach or mentor
- Learn to develop a learning contract
- Identify the steps in structuring a coaching relationship
- List the benefits of coaching and mentoring relationships
Louis Rowitz, PhD
Dr. Louis Rowitz has built a unique career in public health academia via public health practice issues and initiatives. Serving as the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health Deputy Director of its Center for Public Health Practice since it began; he was also the first director of a state-based leadership institute funded by the Centers for Disease Control. Since 1992, that Institute (originally, the Illinois Public Health Leadership Institute) has encompassed as many as four states and is now called the Mid-America Regional Public Health Leadership Institute (MARPHLI) with teams from the partnering state of Indiana and the participating state of Wisconsin in addition to Illinois. The Institute has graduated over 500 Fellows since its inception. He has since added two more leadership training institutes to the Center: The Illinois Institute for Maternal and Child Health Leadership and the Illinois MCH DataUse Academy. In the year 2001, Dr. Rowitz became the Director of the Mid-America Public Health Training Center with its mission to improve public health infrastructure through training of the public health workforce. In addition, Dr. Rowitz serves on the faculty of the International Center for Leadership Development, also located at UIC.
Dr. Rowitz has published a text on leadership in public health based upon his experience in developing the institutes. The title of that book is Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice (Aspen, 2001), which is now the premier text in leadership courses and institutes across the country. He has been a frequent contributor to the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. He has also written a new book titled Public Health for the 21st Century: The Prepared Leader. The Center also publishes the Leadership in Public Health journal, and Public Health Practice in Illinois, and the Illinois Board of Health Manual, all of which are edited by Dr. Rowitz. He has also developed a course on Leadership in Public Health for UIC and has served as a consultant to the states of Michigan, Ohio, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Louisiana and abroad in Ireland on their leadership program initiatives. In addition, he serves on the board of the National Leadership Network and consults with the Center for Disease Control generally on leadership issues. Dr. Rowitz is currently giving talks on leadership throughout the United States to national and local public health organizations and agencies.
Available Credit
- 2.00 Participation/CETulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 2.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Mentoring and Coaching
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