VCEHP109: Pest Management Considerations for Schools
Course Description:
VCEHP109: Pest Management Considerations for Schools is ninth in a eleven-course learning series.
This course will identify and examine pests that are of concern to students, teachers, administrators, and parents in school settings. Upon completing this course, you will understand the potential health and safety dangers that these pests present and learn appropriate and inappropriate reactions towards them. Environmental health professionals can work with schools in their jurisdictions to establish an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to help control these pests and avoid inappropriate reactions.
Target Audience
Public Health, First Responders, Emergency Response and Preparedness Professionals and Healthcare Practitioners
Learning Objectives
- Understand the role of environmental health professionals in helping to establish an IPM approach in schools within their jurisdiction
- Recognize pests of concern in school environments
- Identify potential health and safety dangers posed by these pests
- Describe how inappropriate reactions towards these pests can pose additional health and safety dangers
Dawn H. Gouge, PhD
Dawn H. Gouge, PhD is an Urban Entomologist at the University of Arizona with an extension, teaching, and research focus on the implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies to manage public health pests in sensitive environments, including schools, child care facilities, and assisted living environments.
Dr. Gouge has been an entomologist and IPM specialist since 1995. She is a board member of the IPM Institute of North America. She co-directs the Western Regional IPM in Schools Working Group and serves on the National School IPM 2015 Steering Committee and the Advisory Board of the IPM Institute Green Shield Certification program. Dr. Gouge is a member of the U.S. Bed Bug Working Group and U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Tick Task Force. She also serves on the Western Region IPM Center Advisory Committee.
Dr. Gouge’s research efforts focus on pest ecology and reduced risk management of structural and public health pests, including venomous arthropods, disease vectors, bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, and termites. She serves as a liaison to government agencies and supports their efforts on pollution prevention, pest/pesticide-related children's health issues, vector management, and professional education. Dr. Gouge teaches accredited IPM courses at the University of Arizona. She also teaches public health courses on IPM and the health impacts of pests and pesticide exposures for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Available Credit
- 1.00 Participation/CETulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 1.00 hour(s) of credit for completing VCEHP109: Pest Management Considerations for Schools
Required Hardware/software
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Internet Connection Speed
A minimum download speed of 1.5 Mbps is recommended for an optimal experience, which is commonly the speed associated with a basic DSL or a cellular/satellite connection. A faster connection, such as cable or fiber service, with further enhance your online experience. A Wi-Fi connection is generally acceptable, but it is dependent upon one of the two services mentioned above. You can check your internet connection speed at http://www.speedtest.net/.