Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute for Emerging Leaders
Fall 2025 Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute Update:
Applications for the Fall 2025 R6-PHLI cohort will open in late-Spring 2025. Check back for updates!
Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute (R6-PHLI) Overview
The Region 6 South Central Public Health Training Center launched the Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute (R6-PHLI) in Fall 2023. The purpose of R6-PHLI is to develop the next generation of leaders in public health by providing an opportunity for strategic professional growth for those interested in refining their leadership skills and advancing their career to the next level. The R6-PHLI focuses on mid-management emerging leaders and is not intended for senior executives.
R6-PHLI is designed to create a learning community that explores timely leadership topics and builds core skills. The sessions use interactive discussions with leaders in the field and are reinforced through practice activities. The curriculum was developed using focus groups and key informant interviews with professionals across the five states of Region 6 to identify current issues and the leadership skills needed in practice today.
The third cohort of R6-PHLI will be held from September 2025 to mid-Spring 2026 with a holiday break. Prior to the start of the program in September 2025, each applicant will complete a self-assessment for emotional intelligence (EI) to foster a better understanding of your emotions and how they impact others, develop awareness if self-regulation and responses to emotions, improve motivation toward goals when facing negative emotions, increase empathy and appreciation for how others feel, and to improve social skills to elicit a positive response from others. Following this, each participant will have a one-on-one session with a professional leadership counselor. The applicant will also create an individual plan for goal-setting and identify skills for development.
The curriculum for R6-PHLI focuses on current issues and practical applications for current managers or team leads who will become decision makers. A cohort of participants will attend virtual Zoom meetings to enhance peer-to-peer learning in addition to follow-up activities to apply reinforce learning.
There is no fee to attend the program, however, participants will commit to attend the live learning sessions and complete the sessions preparation and follow up intersession assignments.
R6-PHLI Information Webinar
An Information Webinar for the Fall 2025 R6-PHLI will be held in May 2025.
Potential R6-PHLI applicants can view the replay of the Fall 2024 R6-PHLI Information Webinar below:
Click here to download the Fall 2024 R6-PHLI Information Webinar Presentation.
Audience (Eligibility)
The R6-PHLI cohort will consist of mid-management public health professionals across the five states of Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas) who come from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and experiences, including those from medically underserved communities, rural areas, health professional shortage areas.
No particular educational background is required.
Eligibility Criteria
- Mid-management professional (5 years of professional experience in public health or primary care)
- Supervisory and/or managerial experience
- Employment in public health, primary care, or community health practice in tribal, governmental or community agencies and organizations
- Residence/employment in Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas)
- Commitment to active participation in live sessions and assignments
- Commitment and ability to devote approximately 3 hours per week to R6-PHLI activities
- Support from applicant's employer (via letter of support) to participate 3 hours per week during work time for R6-PHLI activities
We encourage applications from all areas of public health including those at local, county (parish), state or tribal health departments, community health care clinics, public health organizations serving underserved populations, and community health workers.
Application Process
Applications for the Fall 2025 R6-PHLI will open in late Spring 2025.
The admission process includes the following:
- Complete the online application. Applicants must fill out each question with sufficient information to show interest in developing leadership skills, commitment to actively participating in the sessions and competing the pre- and post-work, and ability to devote 3 hours/week to the R6-PHLI. Applicants must also include a resume.
Upon acceptance into the R6-PHLI cohort:
- A letter of support from the participant’s supervisor(s) indicating the applicant’s potential for future contributions to public health in leadership roles; the letter should also state the agency’s support of the individual to participate in the R6-PHLI and allow the learner approximately 3 hours per week during work time for Leadership sessions and activities.
What To Expect
In August 2025, participants will complete a confidential online self-assessment for emotional intelligence. A professional leadership counselor will review your self-assessment and compile a summary for the cohort. The self-assessment is confidential and is a basis for “know yourself” as you develop as a leader. Each participant will schedule a confidential one-on-one session with the professional leadership counselor in September 2025; this session will provide individual feedback that can be used for goal-setting and identifying skills during the leadership institute.
The first virtual session will be held in early September 2025 and extend through mid-Spring 2026 with a holiday break in mid-December 2025 to mid-January 2026.
Live virtual sessions via Zoom will be held every other week for approximately 3 hours. The sessions will be led by an expert in the topic with interactive discussions, debate and activities. Participants will need to be prepared for each session in order to actively participate and share experiences and learn from others. Therefore, participants will need to complete pre-work in the off week. Preparation will be very focused and is meant to be thought-provoking. During live sessions, the group may meet as a whole, or may break into small groups for part of the time. One of the goals of R6-PHLI is for participants across the region to network and get to know their counterparts. There will be a short evaluation survey at the end of each session.
Off Week Preparation and Post-Work:
In the week between the live sessions, R6-PHLI participants are expected to prepare for the upcoming topic through the assigned readings, podcasts or video modules that will provide the basic information for informed discussions and debates. Preparation is essential for active discussions. After each session, the participant will complete a post-session assignment. The combined time for all activities in the off week will not exceed three hours. This schedule allows the participant to budget 3 hours of time each week for the R6-PHLI alternating between live sessions and off-week activities.
Technical Information
Each participant must have access to a computer with a web camera, microphone and a stable Internet connection.
Tulane PACE Learning Management System:
The Tulane PACE Learning Management System will be used as a portal to manage the R6-PHLI. The Tulane PACE LMS will serve as a hub for Leadership Institute-related information, readings, podcasts, video modules, assignments/activities and other communications.
Topics Covered & Fall 2025 R6-PHLI Schedule
Topics covered in the R6-PHLI include:
- Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) / Self-Assessment
- Recognizing Your Leadership Style
- Public Health State of Affairs
- Mentoring
- Public Health Ethics and Professionalism
- Communication: Essentials for Success: Approach and Value
- Organizations and Systems Thinking
- Leadership and Organization Evolution
- Crisis Leadership
Fall 2025 R6-PHLI Schedule:
Coming soon!
Contact Us!
Do you have questions about the Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute? Email us!