Event date
- Behavioral Health
- 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course presents essential strategies to improve effectiveness when dealing with interpersonal and group conflicts that you may experience with co-workers, bosses, and employees in the workplace. You will learn how to develop a conflict manager's mindset, how to depersonalize conflict, how to deal with people's emotions, and how to use a proven 4-step process for resolving most types of disputes.
- Behavioral Health
- 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Explosions can produce unique patterns of injury seldom seen outside combat. When they do occur, they have the potential to inflict multi-system, life-threatening injuries on many persons simultaneously. The injury patterns following such events are a product of the composition and amount of the materials involved, the surrounding environment, delivery method (if a bomb), the distance between the victim and the blast, and any intervening protective barriers or environmental hazards.
- Behavioral Health
- 1.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Continuity of operations planning (COOP) allows for the continuation of the essential functions of government departments or agencies during any incident or emergency that may disrupt normal operations. COOP addresses the recovery of critical and essential government operations in the event of an emergency. This can be on a short-term basis, like a power failure, where having backup capability (systems, personnel, processes, files, and etc.) can quickly resolve the situation. It can also be longer term such as in the case of a natural disaster
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The challenges of disaster and emergency planning and the coordination of response increase significantly when the event spans state lines, borders of sovereign Tribal nations, and international borders. Challenges associated with cross border response range from technical issues such as the compatibility of communications systems to legal issues such as authority and power of responders to the managerial issues of planning, organizing, and controlling the response.
- Behavioral Health
- 5.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:According to United States Fire Administration data, in 2007 fire killed more Americans than all natural disasters combined. Approximately 10,000 people in the United States die every year because of infections that complicate burns. While burn injuries are common in the United States, specialized burn centers often lack the capability to care for large numbers of burn victims. For this reason, improved initial evaluation, triage and management of burn injuries can significantly impact victim outcomes.
- Behavioral Health
- 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:According to recent threat analyses, the potential use of a Radiation Dispersal Device (RDD) remains the most likely exposure to weapons of mass destruction which American citizens are likely to experience.
- Behavioral Health
- 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The requirements for a vastly expanded supply of energy worldwide combined with nuclear proliferation and a more aggressive international posture for the development, deployment and potential use of nuclear weapons either for strategic or tactical purposes has created an environment for public health professionals in the 21st century thoroughly different than that which has ever existed in the course of human scientific and political evolution.
- Behavioral Health
- 8.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The evolution of modern medical competencies and expanded populations of increased vulnerability pose a significant challenge to today’s public health professional in providing shelter and support during times of disaster in both the urban and rural environment.
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:According to recent threat analyses, the potential use of a Radiation Dispersal Device (RDD) remains the most likely exposure to weapons of mass destruction which American citizens are likely to experience.
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The Deepwater Horizon oil spill and residual oil continues to require follow-up by public health professionals. Conflicting reports from various scientific groups and governmental agencies contribute to a lingering concern about the effects of the oil. For instance, the Food and Drug Administration and state health agencies have conducted extensive monitoring, however, many consumers are still uncertain about the safety of Gulf seafood.