Psychological Resiliency - Building Personal Resilience and Self-Reliance
Course Description:
Once the survival needs of people impacted by a disaster are stable, the important work of rebuilding the collective social network and individual lives in the community can begin. Disaster and Crisis Intervention (DCI) Facilitation processes use proven professional group facilitation skills and processes to equip individuals in the affected communities with tools that help in their psycho-social reconstruction. This online course will enable participants to work with individuals, other professionals, organizations, communities, or agencies who have experienced a crisis or who have responsibilities in crisis recovery now and in the future.
Target Audience
Academic Faculty/Staff, Federal Government Employees, State Government Employees, Local Government Employees, Non-Government Employees and Students
Learning Objectives
- Identify the relationship between change, crisis and disaster
- Use the Grief and Recovery Process Model for assisting people affected by crisis, change or disaster
- Describe different facilitation and resilience building techniques for individuals, groups and communities
- Explain specific strategies to take care of ourselves and other caregivers and develop appropriate strategies to use as we assist others in their recuperation
- Develop and/or determine which intervention strategies to use in communities to aid in the rebuilding of social networks and individual lives in communities
Kathleen Oqueli McGraw, PhD, MPH, LCSW, LAC, LPP
Kathleen Oqueli McGraw is the founding partner of Kathleen McGraw, LCSW & Associates, LLC. She is also the executive director of the Mariposa Institute for Families, Parenting, and Children™. She specializes in providing mental health, mediation, facilitation, and coaching services for children and adults living in high conflict families.
Kathleen received her Master of Social Work from Tulane University. She has a Master of Public Health in Community Health Sciences and Maternal and Child Health from Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She recently completed her doctoral dissertation for her Ph.D. in Social Work from Tulane University.
A licensed clinical social worker, she provides therapy to children, adolescents, and adults, and works with individuals, couples, groups, and families. She is a referral member of the Louisiana Association of Clinical Social Workers and the National Association of Social Workers.
Kathleen is a family mediator, trained by Loyola Law School, and a juvenile mediator, trained by the Child Advocacy Mediation Program of the Louisiana Supreme Court. She mediates in family, juvenile, and “Child in Need of Care” cases. She is a board member of the Family Mediation Council of Louisiana and the Juvenile Mediation Council of Louisiana. She is honored to be listed in the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Journal titled, “Who’s Who in ADR 2007.”
Kathleen is a Collaborative Divorce™ Coach and Child Specialist, as she advocates for alternative dispute resolution services that assist families in resolving conflict. She is a board member of the Collaborative Professional Group of Southeast Louisiana and a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.
Trained by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts through Loyola Law School, Kathleen provides child custody evaluations and is a parenting coordinator. She was appointed to the Louisiana State Law Institute’s Committee on Parenting Coordination, and developed the statutes that define the roles and qualifications of parenting coordinators in Louisiana.
Kathleen is also a professional trainer, speaker, writer, and group facilitator. She co–authored the books, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Volume II and A Guide to Getting It: Vibrant and Lasting Relationships. She has given presentations and facilitated workshops at both national and international conferences.
Since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Kathleen has facilitated workshops focused on the trauma recovery process for adults, children, and communities after a disaster. She has worked extensively with families, school teachers and counselors, first responders, and community organizers in the areas of conflict and dispute resolution, anger management, relationships, and communication skills needed after life traumas. Kathleen has also facilitated several city-wide meetings in New Orleans organized by AmericaSpeaks and the United New Orleans Plan (UNOP) to aid in the recovery and rebuilding of New Orleans and the surrounding communities.
Kathleen was awarded the “Great Women of the 21st Century Eclipse Award,” which is given to only 1000 women worldwide.
Available Credit
- 5.00 Participation/CETulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 5.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Psychological Resiliency - Building Personal Resilience and Self-Reliance
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