Event date
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The purpose of this course is to distinguish the difference between a mentor and a coach and how to shape these relationships. A discussion of the utilization of learning contracts to help in this process is also discussed. Exercises are included to help the learner understand how to use a learning contract and how to choose a mentor or a coach.
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Have you ever tried to convince your health director, mayor, school board, minister, or business owner to support your community coalition? It’s not always easy, especially if he or she is not convinced that working in partnership is the best approach. This presentation will help you define coalitions, learn when and how to use them, and provide eight steps for building effective coalitions that promote health, a healthy environment, and prevent disease.
- General Public Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Collaboration is essential to public health professionals in order to carry out their daily job duties successfully and enhance the health outcomes of the population which they serve. This course covers why collaboration is important, how to build a collaborative culture, and barriers to effective collaboration. This course provides two interactive case studies which offer the audience an opportunity to increase their awareness of collaboration and gain some hands-on experience in dealing with real world collaboration challenges.
- Leadership Communication
- 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:No matter how effective a communicator you already are, this course will help you communicate with greater impact in all types of workplace interactions.
- Behavioral Health
- 1.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:In this course, the instructor will introduce methods and strategies used in facilitating meetings, workshops, tabletop exercises, and other events.
- Behavioral Health
- 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course is a three-module sequence covering a sampling of those areas of infectious disease relevant to public health professionals in the United States. The modules begin by discussing areas considered by the CDC to be the most important public health successes of the 20th century. Control of certain major infectious diseases is a significant aspect of these successes. The modules then discuss the major gram positive and gram-negative bacterial illnesses, selected viral, protozoal, prior, rickettsial and vaccine preventable disease.
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Sun-Tzu once wrote that to win at war you must know the enemy as you know yourself. This means knowing the manner in which the war will be fought. Winning the war on terrorism requires a practical understanding of the nature of terrorism and those who use it. This program will focus on the most important component of the war, which is the psychology of the weapon itself and its implications for public health preparedness and response.Note: This course was originally delivered as a satellite broadcast.
- Behavioral Health
- 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The purpose of this course is to understand the management issues in disaster and its outcomes through examining the crisis cycle involved in risk audit, mitigation, preparedness planning, impact of the crisis event, response and recovery. Exercises and discussion will be incorporated as part of the discussion of each of the crisis phases.
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Systems thinking and using the systems approach to manage public health controversies can provide new and exciting opportunities and collaborations, yet the importance of this concept is often overlooked. Many disciplines converge in this problem-solving approach and bring new ideas to the forefront of today’s critical public health issues. In this seminar, Dr.
- Behavioral Health
- 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:In 1935, Title V of the Social Security Act established a federal-state partnership to address the needs of the maternal and child health population. Over the years, though changes have occurred, Title V remains the oldest federal program dedicated to the health of all mothers and children. Strong leadership and advocacy skills are critical to the program’s success. Program faculty discussed national trends in maternal and child health, national leadership for MCH, current challenges and opportunities, and future directions.