Supporting Children in Times of Crisis
Course Description:
In times of crisis, children are often the most vulnerable. Whether they are personally affected or exposed to traumatic circumstances through the media, it is important to protect children’s emotional well-being as much as their physical safety. This course provides information on how to support children and their families during and after a crisis.
Target Audience
Academic Faculty/Staff, Federal Government Employees, State Government Employees, Local Government Employees, Non-Government Employees and Students
Learning Objectives
- Outline practical advice for parents on how to support their children in times of crisis
- List common symptoms of adjustment reactions of children in the setting of crisis and risk factors for adjustment problems
- Identify four basic principles related to preparedness planning to address the mental health needs of children in the setting of a terrorist event or disaster
David J. Schonfeld, MD
Dr. Schonfeld is the Thelma and Jack Rubinstein Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. He was a member of the National Commission on Children and Disasters and is the author of The Grieving Student: A Teacher’s Guide. In addition to contributing to numerous articles and books on school crisis disaster and bereavement, he served as president of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, as chair of the Committee on Pediatric Research of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and on the AAP’s Task Force on Terrorism.
Dr. Schonfeld received his Bachelor of Arts and medical degrees at Boston University and completed his pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a developmental-behavioral pediatrics fellowship at the University of Maryland. After his fellowship, Dr. Schonfeld joined the faculty at Yale, where he worked for 16 years and conducted research in the New Haven public school system.
Available Credit
- 2.00 Participation/CETulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 2.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Supporting Children in Times of Crisis
Required Hardware/software
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Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to access some documents in this course. If you need to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader, click here.
Internet Connection Speed
A minimum download speed of 1.5 Mbps is recommended for an optimal experience, which is commonly the speed associated with a basic DSL or a cellular/satellite connection. A faster connection, such as cable or fiber service, with further enhance your online experience. A Wi-Fi connection is generally acceptable, but it is dependent upon one of the two services mentioned above. You can check your internet connection speed at http://www.speedtest.net/.