Alternative Standards of Care in Disaster
Course Description:
Emergency events and disasters require the affected population to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances including an often abruptly limited scope of public health services. Optimization of outcome requires all available resources to be preserved, coordinated and focused so as to optimize community response in dealing with the normal ongoing needs of the stricken and spared populations, the special disaster-related needs of the population at risk and the special needs encountered by populations with special vulnerability.
Alternative standards of care will allow a community adapting to the hierarchy of needs of the population at risk to streamline and simplify the support process during arduous circumstances so as to maximally preserve life. The development of rational “fall-back” positions preserves a rational process with accepted outcomes. This permits effective prevention to drive resiliency into a preparation for emergency action which defines personnel, logistics and communications requirements enabling the most effective consequence management and leading to early, effective and coordinated recovery. Guiding the integration of alternative standards into the public health system as a component of preparedness involves articulating the best amalgam of current technology and available resources capable of a robust and reliable outcome.
Prevention based management, broad based community planning driving integration of interests and resources across the broad range of interests and potentially responding agencies, is a critical step in advancing beyond the existing operational inadequacies, stove piping and ineffective coordination of recovery based management.
Target Audience
Academic Faculty/Staff, Federal Government Employees, State Government Employees, Local Government Employees, Non-Government Employees and Students
Learning Objectives
- Describe the systemized optimization of alternatives and compromises during disaster as well as preparation of a resilient and sustainable infrastructure
- Explain how metrics are the core logic in providing guidelines & standards needed to define measurable, acceptable and approved pathways & outcomes for individuals and agencies to pursue during a time of scarce resources
- Describe operational models as a tool to clearly articulate the best amalgam of current technology and available resources capable of a robust and reliable outcome
- Explain alternative standards of care as “fall-back” positions preserving a rational process with accepted outcomes
- Discuss alternative standards of care in the context of the 5 phases/venues where such treatment is sought and provided
- State the modification of process involved in the definition and provision of alternative standards of care
- Discuss the process of evaluation in defining the shortfall of necessary functional capabilities for outcome, efficiency and coordination during disaster response
- Describe the changes in care delivery which modification of standards of process may eventuate
- List the requirements and implications of developing and integrating alternative standards of care into the existing system
- Describe solutions and priorities which present experience and evolving practice pose for some of the challenges in existing public health practice which have been exposed
- Explain how the technological complexity and resource requirements of modern medicine require an expert and effective system for medical command & control
Col. Joseph Contiguglia, MD, MPH&TM, MBA, USAF, MC, CFS
Dr. Joseph Contiguglia received an M.D. in medicine and surgery from the University of Siena, an MPH&TM from Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and an MBA from St. Mary’s University. He holds clinical faculty appointments at the University of North Dakota, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
Since 1999, Dr. Contiguglia has served as the Director of Operational Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Military Medicine at Keesler Medical Center, Kessler AFB, Mississippi. He develops, coordinates and implements plans and training for homeland defense with civilian organizations, local & state governments and federal agencies and he plans and directs programs to train 81 MDG professional & support personnel in critical combat/operational skills. He also plans and directs programs to establish the Medical Center as a Medical Weapons System with global reach to provide the USAF and DoD operational medical support worldwide in war and peace. Prior to this he served as Chief of Medical Operations and Chief of Professional Services, Office of the Command Surgeon, United States Air Forces in Europe. He headed the NATO preparation team establishing Operation Allied Force’s fighter operations in northwestern Turkey during the Balkan War.
Dr. Contiguglia is married and has three children.
Available Credit
- 5.00 Participation/CETulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 5.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Alternative Standards of Care in Disaster
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