Community Management of High-Dose Radiological Events
Course Description:
According to recent threat analyses, the potential use of a Radiation Dispersal Device (RDD) remains the most likely exposure to weapons of mass destruction which American citizens are likely to experience. Following along on the radiation risk management axiom that “Every high dose event is someone else’s low dose event,” recent energy initiatives fostering expansion of nuclear power production in the US as well as recent evolutions in international weapons development and their emerging strategic implications contribute to the conclusion that the ability of communities, regions, and states to react effectively to the challenges of low dose radiation exposure have become a necessary and inescapable element in the mandatory portfolio of capabilities of which today and tomorrow’s communities must dispose. This course will address models of response, requirements for effective intervention, planning and preparation, personnel roles, training and command & control. Ideally this course provides the didactic introduction to a broader awareness of community needs and leads to workshops, drills and exercises in achieving community capability while reinforcing state and regional preparation for planning and support.
Target Audience
Academic Faculty/Staff, Federal Government Employees, State Government Employees, Local Government Employees, Non-Government Employees and Students
Learning Objectives
- Prepare community leaders to identify vulnerabilities and select suitable tools and strategies for effective consequence management in the presence of a high dose radiation event
- Enable Community public health personnel to examine the roles and skill levels for community workers/teams which effective intervention in a high dose event would require
- Address the risk communications needs and actions necessary to facilitate a smooth transition of community members to the consequence management activities during a high dose event on which their welfare and survival depend
Col. Joseph Contiguglia, MD, MPH&TM, USAF, MC, CFS
Dr. Joseph Contiguglia received an M.D. in medicine and surgery from the University of Siena, an MPH&TM from Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and an MBA from St. Mary’s University. He holds clinical faculty appointments at the University of North Dakota, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
Colonel Contiguglia retired from the USAF, effective 1 January 2007, as director of operational medicine and chairman of the Department of Military Medicine, Keesler Medical Center, Biloxi, MS. His military experiences include:
Surgeon general-appointed International Health Specialist
Director of the 2004/2005 LIFESAVER Exercises.
Surgeon 474 EOSS, Apiay, Colombia, supporting the Colombian Special Forces
Chief, Medical Operations, United States Air Forces in Europe
Surgeon, 3rd Air Force, responsible for medical operations in sub-saharan Africa
Deputy Command Surgeon, JTF Shining Hope supporting refugees in the Balkans
Headed NATO preparation team for Operation Allied Force in NW Turkey
Surgeon, Joint Task Force - Southwest Asia, Operation Desert Storm
Medical Commander, Operation Safe Haven, Republic of Panama,
Chief, Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, RAAF
edical Program Director of the Tactical Air Warfare Center’s Chemical Weapons Defense and Operational Employment Exercises
Surgeon, OPERATION ELF-1, Saudi Arabia (Iran/Iraq War)
Medical Project Manager of the South East Asian Refugee Evacuation
Dr. Contiguglia is married and has three children.
Available Credit
- 2.00 Participation/CETulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 2.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Community Management of High-Dose Radiological Events
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