Lessons From the Storm: Crisis and Collaboration
Course Description:
The lessons learned, and lessons still being taught, from Hurricane Katrina can assist all healthcare and family assistance providers in providing for future disasters. This session was conducted by Harold Suire, a consultant with over 20 years experience in the state policy arena, who was called upon by the state of Louisiana in the aftermath of Katrina to coordinate the myriad of groups and foundations from throughout the nation and world. He shared his on-the-ground observations of collaboration and challenges in the vortex of one of the greatest natural disasters in the United States. We learned how lives were, and still are, in jeopardy while leaders, agencies, and groups fought and acted on policy, credit, regulations, funds, and turf. We also learned about the resiliency of providers and citizens and the power of collaboration and action for the greater good.
Note: This course was originally delivered as a satellite broadcast.
Target Audience
Academic Faculty/Staff, Federal Government Employees, State Government Employees, Local Government Employees, Non-Government Employees and Students
Learning Objectives
- Describe the leadership skill set most useful in a major crisis
- Identify the benefits of practical information sharing and use of data before and after a major crisis
- Identify people and groups within a region or national scene that are most effective at managing resources and information and serving clients
- Describe the major types of communication that fail and succeed within an interagency and provider network during a crisis
- Identify future critical roles for public health practice in a major crisis
- Identify several post-crisis factors that affect the health of citizens within and surrounding an impacted area, with an emphasis on mental health implication
Harold Suire
Licensed Emergenetics Specialist
Education, Research, and Information Services, Inc.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Harold is Vice President of Education for Emergenetics International and in this role is responsible for marketing and implementing the STEP (Student/Teacher Emergenetics Profile®) program in schools throughout the United States. Harold is also one of three International Emergenetics Master Trainers.
Additionally, Harold is the President and CEO of Education, Research and Information Services, Inc., a private company located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and also serves as President of the J. Bennett Johnston Science Foundation. He has received the National Distinguished Leadership Award and was a Volunteer Activist of the Year in Baton Rouge. In 1996, Harold was named Outstanding Alumni of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Harold has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations, and economic development groups throughout the U.S. Harold serves as a citizen member with Governors from the South on the Southern Growth Policies Board in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and has served on the group's Executive Committee and as its Treasurer. He is currently on the board of directors and treasurer of the University of Louisiana System Foundation. He has been instrumental in establishing community leadership
Available Credit
- 2.00 Participation/CETulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 2.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Lessons From the Storm: Crisis and Collaboration
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