Building and Maintaining a Collaborative Culture


Course Description:

Collaboration is essential to public health professionals in order to carry out their daily job duties successfully and enhance the health outcomes of the population which they serve. This course covers why collaboration is important, how to build a collaborative culture, and barriers to effective collaboration. This course provides two interactive case studies which offer the audience an opportunity to increase their awareness of collaboration and gain some hands-on experience in dealing with real world collaboration challenges.

Target Audience

Academic Faculty/Staff, Federal Government Employees, State Government Employees, Local Government Employees, Non-Government Employees and Students

Learning Objectives

  • To assist in understanding your personal orientation toward collaboration
  • To examine common themes among different definitions of collaboration
  • To illustrate why collaboration is important
  • To identify the steps involved in successful collaboration
  • To list the elements of a collaborating culture
  • To provide a series of factors against which your organization can be evaluated relative to the ease of collaboration
  • To identify four familiar impediments to effective collaboration
  • To demonstrate why getting the “right” people on the team is important, even critical, to effective collaboration
  • To provide a series of guidelines for forming a collaborative team
  • To offer some practical advice for building and maintaining collaborative teams




Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
    Tulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 2.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Building and Maintaining a Collaborative Culture
Course opens: 
Course expires: 



W. Jack Duncan, PhD

W. Jack, Duncan, (Ph.D., Louisiana State University), Professor of Management & University Scholar, Emeritus, School of Public Health at UAB. Jack has been an advisor to state and local public health departments throughout the nation. He is a co-author (with Peter Ginter) of Management of Health Care Organizations now in its 6th edition.

Bryn Manzella
Bryn Manzella, MPH

Bryn Manzella, MPH, is Director of Quality Improvement with the Jefferson County Department of Health in Birmingham, Alabama and leads its Policy, Grants and Assessment Service Center.  Ms. Manzella holds undergraduate degrees in Health Administration and Health Education from East Tennessee State University, attained her Master of Public Health degree in Health Education/Health Behavior in 1985 from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and has over twenty-five years’ experience in healthcare quality and performance management, staff development, and healthcare research.  The author of a number of professional publications on smoking cessation and chronic lung disease management, Ms. Manzella currently serves as co-team leader for the Jefferson County Collaborative of the Health Resources and Service Administration’s (HRSA) Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Collaborative 3.0 and as the Jefferson County Collaborative’s lead for the American Pharmacists Association Foundation’s Project: IMPACT program.


Available Credit

  • 2.00 Participation/CE
    Tulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 2.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Building and Maintaining a Collaborative Culture

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