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  • Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC)
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This introduction course will cover the definition, mission, principals, the core functions, and essential services of Environmental Public Health. It will include the role of environmental public health in society.
  • Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC)
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The course will convey the fundamentals of air quality and environmental noise. Specifically, air quality assessment, including air pollutant types, sources, problems and effects, measurement and factors will be addressed. Noise and sound properties, health effects/hazards and sources will also be covered.
  • Environmental Health
  • 6.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course is designed to provide an overview of environmental epidemiology and the principles and methods used in the investigation of human health effects associated with environmental exposures.  Three common scenarios for the exposure-disease relationship are described as are study design approaches.  Particular focus is given to the problems associated with disease cluster events, both in the investigation and interpretation of findings.
  • Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC)
  • 1.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course will provide a brief history of NIOSH and OSHA and their role in our nation’s workplaces. It will provide an awareness of current issues in occupational health and safety and preventive and control measures.
  • Environmental Health in Disasters
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course takes a closer look at the fundamentals of environmental health through the lens of a disaster situation. Environmental health issues that arise during disasters are explored, and suggestions for environmental health responses unique to disasters are given. Several historical disaster examples are used, with a focus on Hurricane Katrina, the Indian Ocean tsunami and the World Trade Center collapse as the major case studies.  
  • Environmental Health in Disasters
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course was developed by Captain Mark D. Miller, MPH, RS, USPHS (Retired). The content of this course is taken from a series of lectures that Captain Miller and his colleagues deliver around the country as a package of Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response.
  • Environmental Health in Disasters
  • 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, it is anticipated that the first several days will be dedicated to emergency response and rescue operations. Responding to disasters must be a well coordinated effort between the private and public sectors. Local, state and federal environmental health teams must include experts in all aspects of environmental health if and when available. This course will discuss environmental sampling and monitoring procedures for water, air, soil and sediment.
  • Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC)
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This two module course discusses the history of hazardous waste and management; federal hazardous materials laws; characteristics of hazardous materials; the Hazardous Manifest System; transporting hazardous materials; and the hazardous waste management hierarchy.
  • Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC)
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course contains five modules which analyze current federal and state laws and their applications in environmental public health. Major federal laws and environmental regulatory agencies are covered. For state law, Alabama's code will be examined. Students for this class who are not practicing environmental health in Alabama should identify a person (or persons) in their own practice locations who can provide information on their state and local environmental laws.
  • Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC)
  • 5.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course provides an introduction to the role of environmental health in emergency response. Relations with key partners and first and second priority actions are discussed. The course covers common issues found with water, wastewater, shelter, vector control, buildings and hazardous materials during a disaster event. Successful completion of the overall course examination is required in order to receive credit for the course.
