Event date
  • Environmental Health in Disasters
  • 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, it is anticipated that the first several days will be dedicated to emergency response and rescue operations. Responding to disasters must be a well coordinated effort between the private and public sectors. Local, state and federal environmental health teams must include experts in all aspects of environmental health if and when available. This course will discuss environmental sampling and monitoring procedures for water, air, soil and sediment.
  • Environmental Health in Disasters
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course was developed by Captain Mark D. Miller, MPH, RS, USPHS (Retired). The content of this course is taken from a series of lectures that Captain Miller and his colleagues deliver around the country as a package of Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response.
  • First Responder Preparedness
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course provides a practice-based guide to the initial public health response to a chemical terrorist attack including:The strategies used in the field to recognize which chemicals may be involved in a terrorist attack and the devices used to detect the chemical(s)The models and other tools used to conduct an exposure assessment for the surrounding exposed populationPractice-based exercises and scenarios of chemical terrorist attacks
  • First Responder Preparedness
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course hopes to bridge the communication gap between first responders (e.g., EMS staff in the field) and first receivers (e.g., emergency room personnel at a hospital) in the event of a terrorist attack. Topics that will be covered in this course include: orientation to duties and expectations of both first responders and first receivers, channels and methods of communication, responder information collection at scene and clear communication guidelines during handoff at a hospital.
  • First Responder Preparedness
  • 6.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Using the examples of field exercises Lifesaver 2004 & 2005, the course will discuss the principles of counter-terrorist preparation and incident command leading to outcome oriented exercises. The planning, execution, evaluation and exploitation of actual field exercises are reviewed. The execution of delta analysis is covered to identify and acquire initial operational capability and to apply available resources in an economic fashion in professionally achieving and expanding selected operational goals.
  • Behavioral Health
  • 6.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Dramatic change will occur in public health and health care in the next decade. This course provides public health practitioners and other health care providers with the leadership skills necessary to work effectively in the change environment at a community, state or regional level. These leadership skills are essential for designing and advocating for programs and policies necessary to promote health
  • Leadership Development
  • 1.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Dramatic changes will occur in public health and health care in the next decade. This course provides two real world case studies demonstrating how necessary leadership skills facilitate public health practitioners and other health care providers to work effectively in the changing environment at a community, state or regional level. These leadership skills are essential for designing and advocating for programs and policies necessary to promote health.
  • Behavioral Health
  • 1.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Orientation to the Essentials of Public Health, Introductory Level provides a brief history of public health in the US. It also discusses the guiding principles for those who practice public health. From the initial three core functions of public health first defined by the Institute of Medicine in 1988 through the current 10 essential services of public health set by the US Department of Health and Human Services. The expanded role of public health in the times of disasters is also explored.
  • Behavioral Health
  • 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The purpose of this course is to focus on the basic principles and core elements of public health and trace its evolution. The course reviews the public health system and its roles and responsibilities. It is also important to understand the challenge to measure health and address the nationally recognized core public health competencies. Lastly, participants are given a glimpse at public health issues that face us today and ones that are on the horizon.
  • Behavioral Health
  • 4.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The purpose of this course is to focus on the basic principles and core elements of public health and trace its evolution. The course reviews the public health system and its roles and responsibilities. It is also important to understand the challenge to measure health and address the nationally recognized core public health competencies. Lastly, participants are given a glimpse at public health issues that face us today and one that are on the horizon.
