Event date
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Obesity is a public health epidemic that’s affecting millions of Americans.  Research shows that weight loss isn’t as much the problem as weight maintenance seems to be.  Finding long term solutions to making lifestyle changes that people are able to incorporate and continue is the real challenge.  This course provides public health professionals with strategies to use with their patient population to promote behavioral changes necessary for sustained weight loss. 
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The lessons learned, and lessons still being taught, from Hurricane Katrina can assist all healthcare and family assistance providers in providing for future disasters. This session was conducted by Harold Suire, a consultant with over 20 years experience in the state policy arena, who was called upon by the state of Louisiana in the aftermath of Katrina to coordinate the myriad of groups and foundations from throughout the nation and world.
  • General Public Health
  • 8.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:This course targets any level public health professionals who are involved in project or programmatic design and implementation. This course provides public health professionals with the planning cycle of a public health program, including the assessment of needs and resources, the development and implementation of solutions to perceived problems, and the monitoring and evaluation of activities. The course will focus around the Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation (PIE) model.
  • General Public Health
  • 3.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Economics is the study of choices in a world of scarcity. In this course we explore how markets function by examining the demand behavior of consumers and the supply behavior of firms. We explore how market-based factors and governmental policies impact market outcomes. The concepts of private and social welfare are introduced as a framework for assessing the performance of markets. The course concludes with an application of economic tools to the policy issue of cigarette smoking.
  • General Public Health
  • 12.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The evolution of modern medical competencies, the slowing availability of effective antimicrobials and expanded populations of increased vulnerability pose a significant challenge to today’s public health professional in providing effective intervention and support during epidemic disease outbreak in both the local and international environment.
  • General Public Health
  • 8.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:The current increasingly technical and urbanized centers of human population present critical challenges and opportunities to the profession of Disaster Management in the early 21st century. The lessons and practices of yesterday no longer address a widening and diversifying pattern of population vulnerabilities which modern medical therapeutics, evolving demographics and lifestyle enhancement have generated on a global scale.
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:What is public health informatics (PHI)? Simply put, PHI is a sub-field of public health. Program faculty will journey through the evolution of public health informatics and describe how key events over the past decade have contributed to development and utilization of many computerized systems that support public health practice. Special focus will be given to major PHI applications including syndromic surveillance.
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Collaboration between Title V Maternal and Child Health Programs and family leaders provides a “win-win” opportunity to leverage programmatic expertise with families as an action arm for advocacy.  Program faculty will discuss appropriate roles for family advocates and describe the nuts and bolts structure and organization for how Title V programs can meaningfully operationalize their involvement.
  • General Public Health
  • 1.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:Disaster imposes adverse consequences upon community populations in several different but synergistic ways. The physical infrastructure of the community may be disrupted and it’s capability in providing basic elements of the population at risk’s Hierarchy of Needs may be impaired. Vulnerabilities inherent in the community population may be revealed as compensatory day to day practices for their mitigation are weakened or become impossible.
  • General Public Health
  • 2.00 Participation/CE
Course Description:At the start of a new hurricane season, Gulf Coast residents have moved beyond the "lessons learned" stage and are forging ahead with rebuilding. Central to those efforts is assuring health. While it has become clear that a sustainable health system requires engagement from other non-traditional health-related disciplines, the evidence base supporting such transdisciplinary approaches is sparse.
